5 Reasons to Cut the Clutter BEFORE the Holidays

5 pumpkins in a row to mentally correlate with 5 reasons to cut the clutter before the holidays

If you believe the song lyrics, the holidays are the “most wonderful time of the year;” however, they can also be the most stressful.

Maybe you’ve already fallen under the pumpkin-spice-induced-spell of the season, and feel like it’s too late to think about anything other than decorations, menu planning, and gift buying.

But rather than waiting until January to do a major annual clutter overhaul, you might want to think about getting out ahead of the season this year. Even a few hours devoted to paring back the clutter can benefit you all season long. So here are 5 reasons why it makes sense to declutter now–along with a few tips and tricks to help you do so!

Reason #1

Holiday decorations won’t get lost in the visual clutter.

If you’re going to the trouble of decorating (some of us revel in the process; some of us, not so much…), you want those decorations to SHINE and be the focal point of whatever room they’re in. If they’re having to compete with a million tchotchkes, they not only won’t get noticed throughout the season, you may have to go on an “Easter-egg style” hunt after the season’s over to find them and put them away!

Tidy living room decorated for Christmas. Not so much clutter that the visual impact of the decorations is lost.

Pro-tip: Focus on your main living areas, i.e., the areas you decorate most. Pare back significantly ahead of holiday decorating.

Look at all your horizontal surfaces and see if you can stand to part with some of what’s there. Either donate your excess to a charity, or if you have a place to store decor and you really enjoy swapping items out seasonally, then just reduce the number of things in each room, and see if it doesn’t make you say, “Ahhhh…” when you look around and see fewer items scattered around the room.

Then then when you do break out the seasonal decorations, remove whatever’s left and swap out for the seasonal decor when you put it out. You can store your year-round decor in the Christmas storage until the season’s over. And then swap it back out when you un-decorate. That way you’re not crowding seasonal decor on top of your regular favorites.

Reason #2

You’ll lower your stress level and save money by locating pre-bought, stashed gifts ahead of time.

Don’t you hate scrambling around eighteen minutes before you’re supposed to be at your annual family gathering, hunting for the perfect Dirty Santa gift?? You know, the one that doesn’t really figure in to the Christmas budget? And is for no one in particular and therefore doesn’t make it onto the Christmas list…? OR you may have a stash of perfect hostess gifts that has gotten buried at the bottom of your craft closet (these examples may or may not be true stories…) and cannot be found in the hour of need.

Stacked gift boxes to represent gift stash boxes being organized prior to the holidays.

*Pro-tip: Focus on corralling any stashed prospective gift items into one centralized location. At the same time, declutter the stash of any items that have hung around longer than a year or two–they’ll probably never make the cut.

Containerize (and label the container) any gifts that you’ve pre-bought, or items you’ve saved up for hostess gifts or gag gifts, and if possible, store the container(s) near gift-wrapping supplies.

Reason #3

You’ll save time since everything will be easier to find during the inevitable race to prep gifts, foods, and what to wear ahead of holiday events.

Pantries need cleaning out every couple of months. And refrigerators need it (at least at my house) about once a week. Holiday cooking and baking require a little extra space in each area. So a preemptive extra clean-out of both areas just prior to the holidays is a life-saver.

Also, as mentioned above, storage areas–especially where gift wrap supplies are kept and gifts are stored–are a good place to spend some decluttering time in the next couple of weeks.

Finally, making sure your wardrobe is free of any clothes that don’t fit or are no longer something you love is great preparation for attending holiday gatherings, concerts, church services, etc. without having to turn your closet upside down for each occasion.

Clothing closet that needs to be decluttered and organized.

*Pro-tip summary: Spend a little time focusing on decluttering food storage areas, supply closets, and clothes storage areas.

Reason #4

You’ll be more motivated to buy less and accumulate less after spending time working to have less.

The feeling you get (or is it just me??) after decluttering an area of your home is the best antidote to future cluttering tendencies. (For most of us, that is… If you feel the urge to immediately fill the spaces back up, we may need to chat…).

*Pro-tip: Resist buying new decorations each year.

Just because the stores tempt you each year anew with the latest sparkly incarnations of seasonal decor doesn’t mean you have to buy it. If you see decor you love more than what you currently have, use the “one-in, one-out” rule.

A mish-mash of holiday decorations, representing too many items being kept or at least displayed all in one place.

More usually isn’t better. It’s just more. Taking the time to do an inventory of what you have as you decorate helps with this. Perhaps it’s time to replace some twenty-year-old dilapidated decorations. Just make sure you don’t hold on to the old as you bring in the new.

*Bonus Pro-tip: Let that lighter, decluttered feeling carry over into your shopping.

Think about clutter-free gifts for your family. Items that can be consumed, like food-of-the-month gifts or event tickets are great examples of items that don’t further clutter your home or that of your loved ones.

Reason #5

Getting your house company-ready will be a breeze.

Cleanup prior to hosting an event is WAY easier if you don’t have to climb over clutter to do it. Dusting, sweeping, mopping and ALL general cleaning tasks are a cinch if you don’t have to move stuff around BEFORE you even begin the work.

*Pro-tip: Spend a little time focusing on clearing clutter that becomes invisible to us after a few days.

Two pictures--one of a tidy, streamlined living room, and one of a messy cluttered living room/dining area. Text says, "Ready to clean and decorate...?  Or not...?

You know what I mean, right?? The items that get set on the floor and other horizontal surfaces and never put in their actual home. (Prime example: a box of school books that has been sitting on the buffet in my dining room for about a month.) Put on your “visitor goggles” and hunt for things that seem out of place. Either find their proper home or kick them to the curb!

With a decluttered slate, you might actually enjoy the cleaning up!

I hope you’ve found these 5 reasons to declutter your home before the holidays helpful! Just be sure they don’t add to the tendency we all have sometimes to feel overwhelmed. (The holidays are stressful enough without me adding to it!!)

Think about breaking up the process into small chunks and tackling it over the next couple of weeks. Even just an hour or two devoted to each listed pro-tip will make a huge difference. NO matter how far you get, the end results will be worth the time you put in! (For some more decluttering inspiration, check out this past post.)

You’ll have a less stressful holiday season this year with less clutter around you which means more space in your brain…and heart, for the most important parts of the holidays, which have little to do with decor or mountains of gifts.

If you have some tips or tricks that you use to help make decluttering easier and/or the holidays less stressful, inquiring minds want to know!

Be sure to share in the comments below!


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