High-Powered Blending is a Game Changer…

Ode to a Blender

Here at Tranquil Domesticity, I like to share things that contribute to a more peaceful home life. And while high-powered blending may not sound all that peaceful in the literal sense, it has been a total game changer in my kitchen. And anything that makes life easier–especially powerful, multitasking tools/appliances–makes home a more peaceful place (though sometimes a loud one…).

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Office Budget Makeover, Part 2

Okay y’all, this is going to be the shortest post in the history of Tranquil Domesticity, but I’m trying to prep for a few days away—including away from working on my projects and the blog! I have not had time to do both the DIY work and write out flowery prose like you’re used to 😂, so it’s just going to be a few photos and a brief update on the ongoing “Kelly Cottage room-at-a-time, impossibly-low-budget redos.”

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