5 Reasons to Cut the Clutter BEFORE the Holidays

5 pumpkins in a row to mentally correlate with 5 reasons to cut the clutter before the holidays

If you believe the song lyrics, the holidays are the “most wonderful time of the year;” however, they can also be the most stressful.

Maybe you’ve already fallen under the pumpkin-spice-induced-spell of the season, and feel like it’s too late to think about anything other than decorations, menu planning, and gift buying.

But rather than waiting until January to do a major annual clutter overhaul, you might want to think about getting out ahead of the season this year. Even a few hours devoted to paring back the clutter can benefit you all season long. So here are 5 reasons why it makes sense to declutter now–along with a few tips and tricks to help you do so!

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