High-Powered Blending is a Game Changer…

Ode to a Blender

Here at Tranquil Domesticity, I like to share things that contribute to a more peaceful home life. And while high-powered blending may not sound all that peaceful in the literal sense, it has been a total game changer in my kitchen. And anything that makes life easier–especially powerful, multitasking tools/appliances–makes home a more peaceful place (though sometimes a loud one…).

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Want to be Oily? Essential Oils: A BASIC Beginner’s Guide

Most everyone who knows me knows I’m a little oily. No, not greasy… ESSENTIAL-oily—meaning I love me some essential oils. I’m an “investigator” by nature, so when I first stumbled onto people touting the myriad benefits of essential oils (at a homeschool conference, no doubt), I began doing my own research. I wish then I’d had a trusted friend to answer all my questions. OR a basic beginner’s guide…

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Why And How to Unfriend Sugar

Why Unfriend Sugar?

Can We Be Friends…?

I don’t normally unfriend anybody. Unless I decide that maybe we’re not really anything beyond acquaintances and I’d rather my feed have more space for people I know well and want to keep up with. Even then, I usually just don’t. But if sugar were a human “friend,” I’d probably have to make an exception, even though I know sugar pretty well. Because I don’t think sugar is my friend or yours.

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Homemade Sourdough–You Can Do It!

“I really think that we can make it, girl.” –Bread (from the On the Waters album, 1970)

What is sourdough, really?

Sourdough bread is one of life’s simple and useful pleasures. And if you’ve never made it before, it’s easier than you think. Hopefully after I acquaint you with it a little more, you’ll think it’s worth considering learning as a skill.

You may be thinking, “I can go and buy bread at a store less than ten minutes from my house. Why in the world would I ever ever consider going to the time and trouble to make my own??”

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If You Like Toast ’n’ Avocado…

In search of breakfast bliss

I don’t know if breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but it’s certainly my favorite. You start with a clean slate. No need to try to redeem the nutritional deficiencies from meals eaten earlier in the day (neurotic health nuts think this way…) If you’re like me, you can tolerate a few more carbs earlier in the day. The possibilities are endless, and mostly easy to prepare. Oh, how I love breakfast! Can you tell?? And one of my favorite foods for breakfast is avocado toast.

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Can’t Stop the Eatin’

10 ideas to help if you’ve got this feelin’ in your body

Everywhere I look on the internet I see memes about the “Quarantine Fifteen.” My neighbor (who never appears to gain an ounce) and I were each joking about our newly acquired guts–at a safe social distance, of course. And I’ve been in at least a half dozen Zoom meeting conversations chuckling about everyone’s weight gain during our confinement. 

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