About Tranquil Domesticity

The Short Version

Greetings and welcome to my tiny corner of the blogosphere. I like to think of Tranquil Domesticity as a quaint little cottage in the woods a la Hansel and Gretel. I don’t mean the part with the malevolent old crone–just the edible gingerbread. And of course, it’s gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free, but-somehow-delicious! I invite you to join me in this peaceful spot in the vast wilderness that is the internet. You can come and take a nibble here or there, or even venture inside to visit for a spell!

1920 Craftsman Bungalow Tudor Cottage
My 1920 Cottage which is, incidentally, gluten-free. It’s not in the woods, however.

Here at Tranquil Domesticity, I’ll talk about pretty much anything relating to home, health, faith and family. I’m no accomplished expert, but definitely a sympathetic fellow sojourner. I hope to encourage you AND ME to keep running this race with endurance and joy!

The Longer Version (i.e., More About Tranquil Domesticity)

TD was born as I kept tossing around ideas for a blog about all things home/family related. The phrase “domestic tranquility” kept coming to mind. Didn’t we all have to memorize the preamble to the Constitution? (That may have been the only thing that stuck from high school American History for me. Not the whole preamble–just that part with “domestic tranquility…”) “TD” is a little broader term (in the constitutional context, at least) than what I was going for. But with a little wordplay, voila!… we get Tranquil Domesticity. It’s a whole mouthful of a phrase that I coined (was I the first…? who really knows?) to mean a peaceful home life.

Home is a place of retreat to rest, recharge, and refuel for the life we lead outside of it. But it’s also the place where a great deal of family interaction happens, a place of hospitality, the place where children are taught, faith is shared, relationships are built, dreams are dreamed, and passions pursued. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE to travel, and see the beauty of all kinds of different locations, but I am definitely a homebody at heart, always resisting the urge to become a complete hermit.

I know deep down, that home is a place we should never take for granted and that should be shared often. I don’t know about you, but that is hard for me sometimes. Real life–not the stuff they put on Pinterest–comes with real challenges, heartbreak, illness, and just plain old tough breaks that make it hard to keep home a peaceful place, let along share it with others. So I’ll be sharing how this real gal deals with those real things in a real way.

A little about me…

My name is Kim Kelly: I’m happily married to my best friend, and I’m nearing the end of a fifteen year homeschool journey with my two dear daughters. We live in the best part of the South (United States, that is) in a historic home, that I’m constantly mentally redecorating. (One day I’ll do it for real!)

I love peanut butter, coffee, and homemade sourdough bread, not necessarily in that order. My idea of a good time is snuggling up on the couch with my cats and my husband (also not in order) and watching a good British period drama.

I heart sourdough.

I am a Christian, and therefore I firmly believe that true peace only comes from faith in Jesus Christ. So I’m not offering any sort of substitute here. I don’t look to any of my domestic skills or knowledge as an avenue to perfect peace and contentment (as if!!).

I simply strive to be an agent of peace– because of my identity in Christ. That goes for my home, in my relationships and all I do. And I fail… a LOT. However, as I’m a bit of an information junkie, I have several younger (and some older) women that come to me for advice with some regularity. Since I’m constantly reading and trying a lot of different things, I love to share what I know and save others the hours of research and trial-and-error that I spent.

I humbly invite you to join my little circle for the information, for the encouragement, maybe a laugh or two, or just to feel a little less alone in whatever may be challenging you today.

I welcome all of your honest, respectful feedback!


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