Office Budget Makeover, Part 2

Okay y’all, this is going to be the shortest post in the history of Tranquil Domesticity, but I’m trying to prep for a few days away—including away from working on my projects and the blog! I have not had time to do both the DIY work and write out flowery prose like you’re used to 😂, so it’s just going to be a few photos and a brief update on the ongoing “Kelly Cottage room-at-a-time, impossibly-low-budget redos.”

Progress report

I have been hard at work fashioning my new desk out of a hollow core door and a section of upper kitchen cabinets, and more than anything I’ve learned how woefully short of sufficient power tools I am. …And that I may be related to MacGyver!! (Don’t act like you didn’t sometimes watch that cheesy show from the 80’s!).

I will go more in-depth on future posts, but we’ll just sum it up for now by saying my biceps are getting stronger from using hand-saws, and I’m glad I saved all that miscellaneous hardware from over the years. Oh!— and once again, NOTHING is level or square in a 100-year-old house!

On to the photos:

New-to-me light fixture to make things even brighter!
Kitchen cabinet and hollow core door getting primed, patched, and painted.
The cord conundrum and solution.
Cords corralled.
Not exactly apples to apples–I had to take the before shot with my camera and turned off lights to get rid of glare. And the angle is slightly different– but I had to show off the new light fixture! Borrowed older daughter’s newer phone camera for “after.”
I have more styling to do–feel free to make some suggestions for the blank walls. The artwork was a cast-off from older daughter’s room. I’m thinking about adding a shelf or perhaps some photos. Just want to keep it nice and simple!

That’s it for this post! I told you it would be a short one! I still have quite a bit of work left to do (it doesn’t all show in the picture!), but hopefully you can see the office beginning to take shape.

Stay tuned for Part 3!


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